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Massage Therapy is the systematized manipulation of soft tissue for the purpose of normalizing them. Practitioners use a variety of physical methods, including applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, or causing movement to the body. 


The basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well-being. Massage has been found to improve circualtion, which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This can assist the elimination of waste and toxins, speed healing after injury, and enhance recovery from disease. With massage, joint range of motion and flexibility is increased as well. 


Massage can boost the circulatory and immune systems, increase muscle and skin tone, as well as reduce many common ailments, like stress, muscle tightness, aches, and pains. It can also enhance self-esteem, and provide relief for anxiety and depression.


Lymphatic massage, also called lymphatic drainage or manual lymph drainage, is a technique developed in Germany for the treatment of lymphedema, an accumulation of fluid that can occur after lymph nodes are removed during surgery, most often a mastectomy for breast cancer. Lymphedema can also be present at birth or develop at puberty or during adulthood. This type, known as primary lymphedema, can affect as many as four limbs and/or other parts of the body.


Up to 25 percent of breast cancer patients whose surgery includes removal of lymph nodes in the area of the armpit eventually develop lymphedema. The condition can also occur in the legs or other parts of the body if lymph nodes are removed in the course of other types of surgery—for melanoma, colon, prostate, or bladder cancer, for example—or are damaged by radiation treatment, infection, or trauma. Symptoms include swelling and pain near the site of the removed or damaged lymph nodes. Lymphedema can occur immediately after radiation therapy of surgery, or weeks, months, and even years later. Lymphedema is also found in individuals who have spinal stenosis, autoimmune issues, as well as neuropathy.


Cupping is a therapeutic technique that utilizes a vacuum force created beneath a small vessel (cup) applied onto the skin's surface. This approach focuses on blood and autologous healing substances in a specific area, stimulating metabolic activity, improving immune function, and stabilizing blood biochemistry. It also eases symptoms of back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain, arthritis, RA, headaches and migraines, digestive issues such as IBS, asthma and other breathing issues, and hypertension.


Cupping releases scar tissue and fascial adhesions, reduces painful trigger points, improves circulation (blood and lymph), and relieves pain. It promotes mobility and range of motion, improves mature scars, and decreases toxins.


It also eases symptoms of back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain, arthritis, RA, headaches and migraines, digestive issues such as IBS, asthma and other breathing issues, and hypertension. 


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by ‘laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy’ flows through us, causing us to be alive. If one’s ‘life force energy’ is low, then we are more susceptible to illness or stress; if it is high, we are more capable of happiness and good health. 

Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and has many added benefits. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion.


Yoga is a system of linking breath and movement, which can help quiet your thoughts and relax your mind and body. It is a philosophy and discipline that applied to the development of mind, body, and spirit, improving your breathing and focuses on the alignment of your body. There are many disciplines of yoga emphasizing different aspects or combinations of mind, body, and spirit, buth through practices of holding a variety of body positions, called asanas, and the centering of the mind and breath, called prana, in a meditative way, the practitioner increases body awareness, posture, flexibility, clarity of mind, and calmness of spirit.

Practicing with a private instructor allows the practitioner to begin a self-practice, dive deeper into their established practice, and/or build the correct foundation within the body through strength, breath, alignment, and flexibility.

Beginners to Advanced are Welcome!

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